ConsortiuM Mentorship Programme
Muslims in Rail are happy to announce their support and involvement in ConsortiuM’s Mentorship Programme for 2021. This programme spans 6 months, February to July, and is designed to connect experienced professionals (7+ years experience) with junior / middle management professionals seeking to progress their skills and careers.
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Subject to availability, Muslims in Rail has been privileged to facilitate work experience opportunities for students at member companies. Like Imtiaz who last summer benefitted from stints at Hitachi Rail and Atkins Global. Similar opportunities will be advertised once available.
"Both firms offered me a very educational and inspirational experience and I greatly benefitted from my time with them. I felt supported in the workplace not only by my seniors but by MIR who followed up on my progress throughout..."
"...With the support of MIR I had a very productive and stimulating work experience that has had an impact on my future. Overall I was impressed by the positive attitudes and guidance I received from those whom I met throughout this process. I feel m eyes have been opened and my growth mind-set broadened." - Imtiaz Ashraf (Year 10)